Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Fairness Doctrine aka Media Ownership Reform Act (MORA)

You should know about it. It’s being pushed by the likes of Democrat Senators John Kerry, Dick Durbin, John Dingell, Dennis Kucinish and Louise Slaughter. One of its most well known supporters is Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, Democrat, California.
They oppose the successes of Talk Radio and want Conservative radio talk to be shut down.
It is disguised by the word “fairness”, just as the killing of unborn babies is disguised by the nice word of “choice’.
The success of Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk show radio hosts and the failure of liberals to achieve similar success is the underlying motivation behind Democrat efforts to re-impose the Fairness Doctrine on all of us.
It started out as a Federal Communications Commission policy that required radio and television stations to provide equal time on matters of public importance. Those stations which did not do so ran the risk of losing their broadcast license.
Conservative talk radio has been hugely profitable while liberal talk radio has not and that is due to a basic reason, it supplies a market demand that was otherwise unmet. Listeners turn to conservative talk shows to meet that need. Listeners mean ratings and ratings mean advertisers.
We all recall a recent radio station talk show station, Air America and them going belly up along with their pride host, Al Franken, Democrat now running for office in Minnesota.
In the 109th Congress 2005-2007 Representative Maurice Hinchey, D New York, introduced legislation to restore the Fairness Doctrine. H.R. 3302 also known as the “MEDIA OWNERSHIP REFORM ACT of 2005, (MORA). It had 16 co-sponsors in Congress. The 110th Congress 2007-2009 had no legislation to restore the Fairness Doctrine. Senator Norm Coleman, R. Minnesota proposed an amendment to a defense appropriations bill that forbade the FCC from using any funds to adopt a fairness rule but it was blocked, in part, on grounds that the amendment belonged in the Commerce Committees jurisdiction.
I wonder where this will all go in the near future as the country appears to be strong in support of Democrat leadership, November 2008?

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